Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm reaching for something profound during this final day of the year, but I'm finding it quite challenging.

I'm trying to be nostalgic today. I really am. As I reflect back on this year it is my desire to do some real soul searching, in hopes to find some hidden treasurers. I truly admire so many bloggers who are are able access a rich file of personal memories and to glean knowledge from the past 12 months. What a gift this is. But what I'm oddly discovering, on this final day of the year, is that the ordinary day to day activities with my family is what truly revitalizes my life. Of course I know that this doesn't make for a fun Christmas card. Most of us love to write about our vacations, our amazing trips, the highlights of the year, and such. And let's face, it does make for some entertaining reading. But at the heart of contentment, comes the pleasures of the mundane. In fact, I believe it truly reflects our soul. Eating a meal around our table with our entire family present, helping our children with their homework, date night with my wife, a quick jog around the town, a late night run with our kids to McDonalds for ice-cream, and connecting with some friends at a restaurant - makes me who I am. In other words, it's not the big events in my life that I find my nostalgia drifting towards today, but the simple-mundane blessings. In fact, it will be what our kids remember the most as well.

Hey - the church will always be able to find a new pastor, but my wife and kids have only one shot at a husband and father.

Let's live in the moment - as long as it is called "today!"

What about you? Does the big event define you? Or can you finding contentment in the mundane?

Happy New Year!