"Our (earthly) fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (Hebrews 11:10-11).
As we begin the New Year one of the ingredients we need to adopt into our lives is the ingredient of discipline. But let's face it, who wants to be disciplined? In fact, the Bible even suggests that it will be quite unpleasant. Can you imagine praying for an unpleasant experience? Hardly. And yet, we are told that without discipline we will lack righteousness and peace in our lives. Isn't that an interesting result? Discipline = righteousness & peace. Conversely, this outcome would also suggest that the reverse is true as well. Namely, lack of discipline produces unrighteousness and a spirit of chaos.
But let me take this idea of discipline one step farther. If you're like me, the New Year brings about the opportunity to try something new. Maybe it's reading through the Bible in a year. Maybe it's losing some lbs. Maybe it's overcoming jealousy. Whatever it might be, it will certainly take a lot of "discipline" to make it happen. And what is clear about discipline is this: It will be unpleasant. Losing 30 lbs will not be so fun. Reading through the Bible comes with a cost. Removing jealousy will not be easy. And yet, without discipline, according to the Bible, we will never be able to produce a crop of righteousness and find peace that our soul longs for.
Here's the challenge:
1. What things in your life right now are hard, but you know that if you stick with it, it will pay off in positive ways and bring fulfillment or peace to you?
2. How might you view unpleasant circumstances in your life right now as God's way of disciplining you as a loving Father?
3. Is it possible that you might be able to view discipline as a product of making you more like Christ and finding peace that makes you more mature?
Let's face it. There's nothing worse than watching someone who lacks discipline. And can you imagine what you might appear like before our Lord if you resist it?