Saturday, August 20, 2011

You win friends to Christ, not your enemies.

When it comes to evangelism or sharing your personal faith story, the bridge to conversion is through a frienship. I find it intriguing that Jesus was tagged or branded with the name, "friend of sinners."  And indeed, that's what he truly was.  And it was this relational connection that Jesus had with sinners that allowed conversion growth to explode. 

It's rather simple. You don't win enemies to Christ, you win friends. Enemies will not listen, but a friend will.

Romans 2:4 states that it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance. The woman caught in adultery was not condemned by Jesus, but instead she was befriended by him and was coached out of the sinful life.  God's kindness led to her transformation.  And most importantly, it came through the voice of a friend.

God calls us friends as well.  And that makes all the difference for me in my transformation into his likeness.

While we were yet enemies with God He came and made peace (frienship) with us via the cross.  It is this image that allows us to share our faith in a loving way with all people, not condemning our culture, but in a manner worthy of our Savior who continues to be a friend of sinners.

The more complete challenge of evangelism is not so much through the verbal sharing of God's Word, but by befriending the person that you are sharing the gospel with.  Jesus exemplified this by living up to the title, friend of sinners.

Posted via email from Brad Reis