Thursday, October 8, 2009

Does God really need to explain Himself? Have we reached such a position that we do not understand that God is calling the shots? The answer…yes!

Isaiah 43:11-12

I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no Savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimed – I, and not some foreign god among you. “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God.”

Revealed – saved – proclaimed. Those are three impactful adjectives that God uses to describe Himself to us. Just one problem: we not only forget God’s status among us, that God is indeed calling the shots, but we also continue to search for more – another god? To make matters even more disturbing, God is saying that we were there to behold all three (Revealer - Savior – Proclaimer). We were eye witnesses to this fact. So, how could we still miss Him?

Do you ever have those frequent moments in which an obstacle really challenges your faith? Your head begins to question if God will come through again. You’re feeling really dry or parched spiritually, and this obstacle appears much larger than your God. It’s during these times in my life that I must force myself to go back and recall this important truth: “I am an eye witness to God.” In other words, God has carried me and sustained me in every aspect of my life, why would He suddenly decide to drop me now? Such an act would be contrary to His nature (Revealer – Savior – Proclaimer).

Okay, so today, I’m facing several obstacles in my personal life which impacts my leadership life as well. What a great verse to remind me that God is God. He’s calling the shots. And I must learn to trust in the process of His work and not search elsewhere for the finished project.

Life is a roller coaster ride. Hang on and don’t jump off. Keep your eyes open and be a witness of this amazing adventure. (Sure, you can put your hands up in the air - if you're really feeling confident).