Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our "In it 2 Win it" Series focuses on the importance of forgiveness - tomorrow at Willowbrook.

The scene was the San Diego Superior Court, 1991. Two men were on trial for armed robbery. A female eye witness took the stand. The Defense Attorney, defending the two men in question, begins to question the eye witness. He paces back and forth and says to the eye witness: Were you in the store when the arm robbery took place? The woman nodded her head and said, "yes". The Defense Attorney continues: “And did you see a vehicle leave the parking lot at a high rate of speed?” The woman nodded her head and said, “yes.” The Defense Attorney continues: “And did you observe those two occupants in the car?”  The lady nodded her head and said, “yes.” And the defense attorney said.  “And are those two occupants in the court room today?”  AND AS SOON AS THE DEFENDANT SAID THOSE WORDS, HIS CLIENTS BEHIND HIM “SEALED THEIR FATE” BY RAISING THEIR HANDS!

Okay…let’s admit it. At some point of our lives, we can all say, “I DID IT.”  Our hand goes up and guilt typically follows.  Many people today are carrying with them regret and remorse from years of guilt.  But I believe that the Bible teaches that God uses guilt as a warning light.  Guilt tells us something is wrong.  But the good news is that God doesn't want us to remain in our guilt and has the antidote to our remorse and regrets as His children. It's called, forgiveness.  The famous psychiatrist, Karl Menninger, once made this statement, "I believe that over 75 percent of the clients that I work with could be set from from their personal prison if they could embrace forgiveness."  Personal forgiveness comes from understanding the truth of the Scriptures.  According to 1 John 1:9, we must take "one" action step and that action step is to "confess our sin."  What's remarkable is what follows.  For our one action step, God follows with three of His own.  1.  God will be faithful.   2. God will be just.  3.  God will cleanse our sins.  Tomorrow at Willowbrook I will go into greater detail of this amazing formula of forgiveness.  If you miss it, you can always watch on our Media Channel.  

"If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  - 1 John 1:9


Posted via email from Brad Reis