Monday, September 28, 2009

The Television Challenge. I took on the challenge reluctantly, but the payoff has been enormous.

What is the television challenge?
A little over a year ago my wife came straight home from a busy day of teaching 1st graders at her school - and she went straight for the Tylenol drawer. She calmly looked at me and said, "I can't take anymore noise today. My life is filled with noise and clutter all day long. I just need our home to be a quiet sanctuary as I recover for tomorrow." I looked up and nodded, appearing to show some empathy. At that exact moment I was watching a special CNN report about our nation and what was happening in the political culture of our day. In the next room, our two daughters were occupying their time by playing their music (loudly) so that dad had to keep nudging the volume up on my remote to keep pace with the decibel level of their music. One might say, "something hit the van" at that very moment. And the challenge began!
That evening my wife and I took the challenge to eliminate television from our lives for just a month. Purpose? We wanted to see what, if any, effect that this "noise" had on our lives. And to replace television, we agreed that we would take walks around our neighborhood with our dog to simply decompress our engines.
Well...that was over a year ago. The result? IT HAS BEEN AMAZING!
Although I could write a novel on this, I just want to encourage you to explore the "noise" level around you today. There is something so valuable about solitude. It is so good for the spirit and it helps you connect on such a deeper level in your relationships.
Okay...there's my challenge. Give it a one month shot. See what happens. I think you'll be totally surprised by the results.

Posted via email from Brad Reis