Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chased down by something weighing less than 2 ounces is a bit embarrassing

Yesterday I discovered that a deer fly weighs less than 2 ounces. "So what?," you say. Well, yesterday I had an encounter with a particular deer fly than ran me out of town. This deer fly buzzed my head until I retreated into my house - and fast.

Headlines at the Reis home:
"A Two Ounce Deer Fly Defeats Grown Man."

Yep. Wasn't even close. Wasn't very pretty. If the neighbors were watching they were treated to bizarre moment in which they caught me running for shelter using zig-zag patterns with no apparent reason why. So, I Googled "deer fly" only to discover that they weigh less than two ounces. But man, they have tenacity!

Here's a question for you: What's chasing you today? It doesn't have to be anything big. In fact, it could be relatively small. The only sign of its existence is a buzzing noise. You hear it when you're awake at your job or when you can't sleep at night. A constant buzz - chasing you. The buzz says, "You're a failure." The buzz says, "You're not good enough." The buzz says, "You'll never measure up." Hard to see it, but the buzz is there - all too often. You find yourself running zig-zag patterns - trying to retreat or avoid the buzz. God has an answer for this buzz. I guess you could call it God's "buzz repellent." It's a simple promise that reads, "Cast all of your anxieties on God because God cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). In addition, God says that every hair on your head is accounted for, and that if God sees every sparrow (sold for less than a penny), how much more of value are YOU? God constantly reminds us that our self worth is not to be tied up in the things of this world, but in the very fact that God loves you.

Take a moment today to reflect on this truth and see if it changes you. It may take time for the buzz to go silent in your mind, but keep repeating the promises of God's Word and watch those 2 ounces disappear!